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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Adwords Wrapper Keyword Tool

AdWords Wrapper is a free time saving tool that wraps keyword phrases in "quotation marks" (phrase match) and [square brackets] (exact match) for use in Google AdWords campaigns.

The way it works is if you entered blue shoes and blue sneakers in their tool, you would end up with [blue shoes], and [blue sneakers] for exact match, "blue shoes, and "blue sneakers" for phrase match, "blue shoes, "blue sneakers",[blue shoes], and [blue sneakers] for exact and phrase match, and finally "blue shoes, "blue sneakers",[blue shoes],[blue sneakers], blue shoes, and blue sneakers for broad, phrase, and exact match.

On the same page is a tool where you can insert words you want for a negative match. So if you wanted the words free and discount to be a negative match you would enter them in the box and they would return the negative matches of -free, and -discount.

This is a really good, free, time-saving tool. Hope you enjoy!